Coach Profile

Dr. Sameer E. Bhagirathi
- Ph.D, School of Physical Education, DAVV, Indore, INDIA 2011
- M. Phil. Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Annamalai University,T.N.,INDIA 2004
- PG Diploma in Sports Management, Alagapa University Karaikudi, T.N. INDIA 2004
- Diploma in Sports Coaching in Cricket, N.S.N.I.S. Patiala, PNB. INDIA 2001
- Masters of Physical Education, L.N.I.P.E. Gwalior, M.P. INDIA 2000
- Bachelor of Physical Education, L.N.I.P.E. Gwalior, M.P. INDIA 1998
- Level 2 Australian Cricket Coaching course 2014
- ICC Americas/ Cricket Canada Level 1 2011
- Tutor/ Assessor ICC Americas 2012
- Level 1 NCA BCCI coach 2008
- Core Learning Facilitator, NCCP, CANADA 2015
- HIGH FIVE Course, National Coaching Certification Program, CANADA 2015
- Certified Making Ethical Decisions, National Coaching Certification Program, CANADA 2013
- Emergency First Aid CPR/AED-C Course, Heart2Heart Red Cross, Toronto, CANADA 2016
- Fundamental Movement Skills, National Coaching Certification Program, CANADA 2015
- Team Physician Advance Course, FIMS, Beijing, CHINA 2006
- NCCP Basic Mental Skills
- NCCP Design a Basic Sport Program
- NCCP Make Ethical Decisions
- NCCP Planning a Practice
- NCCP Sport Nutrition
- NCCP Teaching & Learning
- NCCP Advanced Practice Planning
- NCCP Coaching and Leading Effectively
- NCCP Developing Athletic Abilities
- NCCP Leading Drug-Free Sport
- NCCP Manage a Sport Program
- NCCP Managing Conflict
- NCCP Performance Planning
- NCCP Prevention and Recovery
- NCCP Psychology of Performance
- NCCP Coaching in Ontario Schools
- NCCP Empower+
- NCCP Mentorship
- NCCP Resistance Training
- NCCP Fundamental Movement SkillsĀ
- Core Training for Learning Facilitators
- Core Training for Coach Evaluators
- Core Training for Master Coach Developers
* 12th World Sport For All Congress 03-06 Nov.2008, Ganting Highlands, MALAYSIA
* 5thInt.Conference on Movement and Health 14-17 Nov.2007, Olomouc, CZECH REPUBLIC
* 3rd World Conference on Doping in Sports 15-17 November 2007, Madrid, SPAIN
* 1stInt.Seminar on Sport in Post-Disaster Intervention 4-9Nov.2007, Rheinsberg, GERMANY
* 3rd WFATT World Congress 13-14 January 2007, Tokyo, JAPAN
* 29th FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine 14-16 June 2006 in Beijing, CHINA
* 5th Pan Pacific Conference of Sports Medicine 9-12 June 2006 in HONG- KONG
* Post-Conference Workshop on Kinesio-Taping Method 9-12 June 2006, HONG- KONG
* Int. UN Conference on Sport and Education Oct.30-Nov.2, 2005, Bangkok, THAILAND.
* Int. Seminar on "Rehabilitation through Adapted Physical Activity and Sport for Children and Youth Affected by Tsunami in Southeast Asia"Oct.28-30, 2005, Bangkok, THAILAND
* Managing Director, International Journal of Sports Sciences and Fitness, Veena Publication.
* Associate Editor, Int. Journal of Sports and Society, Common Ground Publisher, USA
* Associate Editor, Journal of Environmental Research and Development. (2006-2011)
* Reviewer of the Scientific Journal of Applied Psychology, published by AAP.
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